Winona State University launches new collection on Veridian

Earlier this year we welcomed another university into the Veridian collection family, with the launch of Winona State University’s new collection.

The Darrell W. Krueger Library team at Winona State University got in touch with us in late December 2021 to start the process of moving their existing collection to the Veridian platform. They were looking for responsive support throughout the project build and ongoing after launch. We believe it is important to provide this for all of our collections. 

We began the conversion from their old platform Ignite (previously known as Olive Software) in January this year. As their source data was PR XML, we helped convert it to METS/ALTO. We then set up the university’s collection on the Veridian platform, applied cosmetic and feature customisation, ingested the data and thus completed the project to be launched in mid-April.

This made it a relatively quick turnaround time from start to finish, something we were pleased to accommodate for Winona State. The collection currently contains 34,908 issues of four Winona city newspapers spanning from 1855 through 1976, with 412,402 pages and 6,820,061 articles. 

Since launching, the librarian team at Winona State have been able to utilise the crowdsourced user text correction features to polish and improve the collection, including taking advantage of the article headline and body text correction options.

We look forward to being part of the future growth of Winona State University’s collection.

Explore the Winona Newspaper Database