The Swiss National Library Collection has recently achieved a significant milestone, exceeding over 6.5 million pages within the collection.
This Veridian digital collection was launched in July 2018, and encompasses digitized Swiss newspapers from 1692 onwards. It is the successor to the previous Presse Suisse en ligne (Swiss press online) digital collection, both of which are a result of the Swiss National Library and a number of Swiss cantonal partners wishing to digitize their newspapers and make them publicly available.
Veridian was chosen to facilitate improvements to the previous collection, including the ability to offer article segmentation, user text correction, more accessible higher quality search results, and the ability to use the international standard METS/ALTO for source data.
Back then, Head of the Digitization Department at the Swiss National Library Florian Steffen was also looking to expand the already large collection, which was then at 3.3 million pages. That has certainly been achieved!
We’re proud to be part of this important collection, and enjoy working with the Swiss team to continue to grow the archive.