Veridian’s Diary: Discovering topics in the Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection

Many of the collections we help to build are composed of millions of pages, which can certainly be overwhelming for a user visiting to browse the collection. With these sizable volumes, one way to share the wealth of information and history within each collection is to create a kind of discovery page, where users can explore some of the fascinating content contained within.

For the Colorado Historic Newspaper Collection, they decided to create a ‘topics’ page which offers a ‘featured topic’ section at the top, followed by an extensive list of subjects such as early Denver-area gold mines, flying machines, and prohibition. The team at CHNC collated this information, which we then built into their collection. This ‘topics’ page really brings out some of the riches in the CHNC, allowing users to explore a range of topics in more depth, a compelling display of the wealth of content in this digital collection.