Global Press Archive powered by Veridian

The East View Global Press Archive® (GPA) is an initiative of East View Information Services in conjunction with Stanford Libraries and the Hoover Institution Library & Archives to make available an unprecedented volume of global news publications in full-image and full-text format for scholarly use.

GPA promises to facilitate new digital humanities research and broaden the landscape of area studies covered by digital news archives. Over time, GPA will present thousands of global newspapers as searchable online archives, covering approximately 30 languages and 80 countries. Wherever possible, titles will be presented in their complete runs from the first issue, and most publications in the GPA will be available as comprehensive digital archives for the first time.

The Veridian platform helps form the foundation of the GPA user experience. With its robust browsing and searching capabilities, crowd-sourced text correction functionality, and ability to seamlessly integrate resources across multiple languages and scripts, the Veridian platform is an ideal solution for GPA’s unique collections.

For more information about Global Press Archive please visit